Author: Quratulaen Sahoo
TF CEO meets DC Quetta for e-school services
On an invitation, Mr Asim Mushtaq CEO and Ms. Shagufta Noreen COO Taaleem Foundation visited the district government office at Quetta. Ms. Humaira Baloch AC Saddar Quetta conducted the meeting....
TF Team meeting with district management Quetta for e-Schools services
On an invitation, Mr Asim Mushtaq CEO and Ms. Shagufta Noreen COO Taaleem Foundation visited the district government office at Quetta. Ms. Humaira Baloch AC Saddar Quetta conducted the meeting....
Agreement Signing with Ujala Foundation
Taaleem Foundation inks an MOU with Ujala Education Foundation for collaborative efforts in developing the productive and employable human resource in Kashmir. Focus on international exposure, paid internship abroad and...
Visit of skill centre, Adhi
Ms. Shagufta Noreen (Chief Operating Officer), Mr. Sajid Munir (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr. Farooq Azam (Manager Services) visited Adhi’s skill Centre on 20th August 2020. This is one of...
Government prepares National Education Policy
Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mehmood, has said that enrollment of 25 million out of school children, provision of quality education, skill development, and uniformed syllabus will...
مل کر بنا رہے ہیں ”روشن بلوچستان“
تحریر:زبیر عارفیجب ہم تعلیم کے میدان میں بلوچستان کا دوسرے صوبوں سے تقابلی جائزہ لیتے ہیں تو یہ جان کر انتہائی دکھ ہوتا ہے کہ، بلوچستان تعلیم، صحت اور بنیادی...
تعلیم ہر بچے کا بنیادی حق
قوموں کے عروج و زوال میں تعلیم کا کردار ہمیشہ سے بنیادی رہا ہے۔ اور یہ قانون فطرت بن چکا ہے کہ جس قوم نے تعلیم کے میدان میں ترقی...
بلوچستان کے بچے تعلیم سے محروم کیوں؟
قوموں کے عروج و زوال میں تعلیم کا کردار ہمیشہ سے بنیادی رہا ہے۔ اور یہ قانون فطرت بن چکا ہے کہ جس قوم نے تعلیم کے میدان میں ترقی...
Let Girls Learn
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence” Education in Pakistan has its own charm, here students enjoy their freedom...
Taaleem Foundation, Providing education to the marginalized societies of Baluchistan
Education is necessary for women as no country can progress without having its women educated. Pakistan is facing inadequacy in the field of education from its being into existence. Education...